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Poured Candles and Trims
Poured Candles and Trims
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Product Code: H-156

Craft Book: Poured Candles and Trims
By Kitty Griffith
1969 Craft Course Publishers, Inc.
24 Pages

Instructional Book for poured candle making, using 3-D molds, plastic molds, glass containers, ice melt candles, stacked candles, bells, boutique candles, fantasy wax, decorating with sculptured wax and lots of tricks and tips.

Materials Needed:
Commercial Wax Slabs
Wicking, braided or wire core
Candle Molds
Mold Release
Candle Colors
Candle Scents
Water Bath Container
Weight for holding candle
Pouring Container
Pan to use as Double Boiler
Candy Thermometer
Knife, for trimming
Nylon Stocking or material for buffing

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