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Basket Magic
Basket Magic
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Product Code: BW555

Craft Book
by H. Trester
1977 Leisure Time Publishing
24 Pages

You'll find the coiling method of basket weaving an easy one to master, perfect to fill odd moments of spare time, remarkably portable to waiting rooms and committee meetings, truly art without mess.

And it's adaptable to an endless variety of materials, strings, twines, crochet and macrame fibers, leather, wool, mohair, linen, a list as long as your imagination.

Projects include: Geronimo, La Mesa, Indian Maiden, Red Mountain, Cochise, Hogan, Carousel, Desert Sand, Teepee, Bear Claw, Papoose, Agua Fria, La Casa Belt, Fire Dance Wall Hanging, and Desert Sunset Handbag.

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